Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Steve Berg, a favourite blogger, a profound thinker, an artist of words and pictures, a man who serves the poor with his professional and personal heart, a follower of the way of peace, linked me to an exceptionally beautiful video. I have added it to my favourites in the margins and I want everyone to see it.

The song is written by Leonard Cohen, who is one of my spiritual gurus from way back in Grade 11 English class where I first discovered his poetry and lyrics. Thank you Mrs Seabrook wherever you are. Leonard Cohen has been one of my mentors in the spirit ever since I first heard how Suzanne Takes You Down.
Steve is one of my current spiritual mentors. I have chased people over to explore his wonderful Grow Mercy Blog before, and I am doing it again now.

R2E (aka 'The Road'): GO, GO, for HEAVEN'S SAKE, GO NOW!....................did you go already?

Go Go for Heavens Sake go.

Have you gone yet?

The video he turned me on to is doubly powerful because it is sung so exquisitely by a living parable. A profound contradiction that opens up new vistas for spiritual eyes to see. His name is Antony and his band is known as Antony and the Johnsons. (A name that will make mothers and pastors everywhere blush....that is if they understand the cultural reference of the name.)

I discovered Antony last year and was moved to tears by much of his work. His songs drip with a spirituality that may get him stoned in conservative evangelical churches and may make him one of God's most significant voices for our time. I don't know if he is all that interested in fulfilling that roll, but the rocks cry out and the heavens speak, so why not Antony?
From whatI have been able to discern about this phenonmenal talent is that spirituality and Christianity are important to him but his homosexuality, his gender confusion verging on transexuality and the milieu and lifestyle he is involved in make him a prime candidate for Right Wing Christian Crucifixion not for Christian spokesman of the year.

This searching, longing, deeply spiritual man of artisitc and emotional integrity is a challenge to all the 'gay bashing' theologians inhabiting evangelical circles.

I invite you to hear Antony sing Cohen's hymn, "If it be your will". Let the person of Antony engage your heart as I search for the lyrics and the performances of some of Antony's haunting and profoundly moving songs for you to enjoy another day.

But now
Heeeeeeres ANTONY!



HP said...

Okay, I need to know about this band...I looked up their website, but it lacked background info...any hints?

Impossibleape said...

Try adding NPR to your google search

Glad Antony struck a cord.

I knew he would with you and MS. X but I am wondering what the rest of Christendom thinks.

Mission Musings said...

I too,am a huge Steve Berg fan!

You know, those who don't know if they want to be a boy or a girl,... those who are practising sinful lifestyles, ... those who vote conservative right wing in politics,... makes no difference! Those things do not determine a person's level of spirituality. I get confused when folks try to defend people like Antony.

His voice - beautiful, transendant. This doesn't mean he is a Christian. If I said, "Quack," can I convince you I am a duck?

His genre isn't even "Christian."

Can't we all agree he sang that song beautifully and has a wonderful voice, without defending his sexual choices?

Impossibleape said...


Thanks so much for responding to the Antony issue.

I think I could agree with you that what Antony does does not fit in a genre called Chrtsitian. But then what would a Christian art genre look like?

Does it use code words? Does it refain from using a list of unacceptable adjectives?
Does it have ulterior motives, such as saving souls?
Does it lead to worship and contemplation?
Does it always make us feel bad or does it have to make us feel good?

I think Antony is a parable and a spiritual enigma because he is who he is (?) and yet has these wonderful spiritual longings as evidenced by many of his lyrics.
I don't think he'd count himself as a believer (at least not in a way that would satisfy an evangelical's litmus test) but he is a 'piece of work' (art work) and he is in the hands of God as much as you or I.

Now his sexual 'choice' is a whole other matter. Suffice it to say that no one chooses to be the object of ridicule and revulsion by peers and authority figures.

If gay is a choice, it is more masochistic than willful.

And on that basis I have concluded that Christians do not have any right to judge, condemn or reject people who are different from the 'norm'.

And on this, i 'think' i have the holy spirit.

Impossibleape said...

but of course I could be wrong just as every human being is apt to err.

but I think my thoughts lead to less condemnation and hatred than the usual evangelical way and so by it fruits alone this position bears consideration.