Thursday, February 01, 2007

Warm Fuzzies and 'Jesus and Me' T-Shirts are not enough.
Chuck Colson Break Point regarding Nancy Pelosi's daughter's documentary called
' Friends of God; A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi.'

"........But I would really like to see a sequel, one that takes a look at the other side of evangelicalism, one that rarely gets much attention. That is the part that rises above the “Jesus and me” ethic and identifies with the last, least, and lost whom Jesus called His brothers.
My dream sequel would introduce viewers to the International Justice Mission (IJM) and its founder, Gary Haugen. Haugen, the winner of this year’s Wilberforce Award, is the voice of those who have no voice: the victims of child prostitution, sex trafficking, and other neglected forms of oppression. While many Christians are content to sing “Jesus set me free,” International Justice Mission is busy working, obeying Jesus’ command to set the captives free.
International Justice Mission is not the only Christian group working to better the lives of people overseas. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof called evangelicals “the new internationalists” because of our concern about AIDS, religious freedom, and human rights. I’d love to see HBO direct some attention toward these efforts.
For instance, more than one million children in other countries are sponsored through just two Christian groups: World Vision and Compassion International. More than one million children are fed, clothed, and educated because Christians whom they have never met believe that in helping them they are helping Jesus. (ImpApe ed. note. That should be preached from every pulpit, on every Sunday throughout the year.)

.........There are many other evangelicals that fly under the media’s radar: people who run soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and crisis pregnancy centers. What they all have in common is an unwillingness to settle for just getting “high on Jesus” or otherwise reducing faith to a warm fuzzy, as we saw in the film (ImpApe ed. note. Why are so many getting rich catering to those who just want to get high in Jesus? Perhaps that should stop. ).......

........let’s see some scenes of love in action, of evangelical Christians living out their faith, feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. (ImpApe ed. note. Yeah, lets see some more of that love in action. It might make us feel more of the Love of God when we learn to give more of it away. )"

Chuck get's it right sometimes. God Bless that ol'hardnosed marine, former Nixon hatchet guy, excon evangelist.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Amen to that, too.