Ooopps I did it again.
I am getting a little desparate to add a few new viewers to the site so I have named names again.
Please pardon my blatant name dropping.
The rascals listed above are a few of the people who should join EFCA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) or CCCC (Canadian Council of Christian Charities) . That is if they could get their houses in order so that they would qualify as worthy charities.
Several of these I know to be frauds, men stealers, merchandisers of the gospel and not nice guys. Some, I'm not sure about but wish they would allow their books to be examined so we can know if donated money is being used wisely and for real ministry purposes.
I won't tell you which I think are just rascals and which are crooks in order to protect the innocent (my opinion could be wrong) and to protect me from pesky lawsuits from the not so innocent.
Every good and trustworthy pastor should warn his flock to be wary of ministries that don't belong to a reputable accountability organization. If we could starve the rascals of the money they extort with threats of hellfire and the promise of earthly and heavenly delights they would have to get with the integrity program and turn in their private jets because it is the right thing to do. Or they will have to surrender their private jets and go bareback on the Elmer Gantry sawdust trail because they can't afford them any longer.
Either way,
'Get along little doggies'.

Does this mean I'm going to have to get a job now?
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