If Mel took on this project perhaps he could find some modern prosperity preacher 'look-a-likes' to film in the coliseum of Rome as they are torn to pieces by wild animals, slaughtered by gladiators, used as torches to light Nero's dinner parties and tortured in sundry other nasty ways. Perhaps a Robert Tilton, and a Peter Popoff double could do a whining duet while they are crucified on either side of the Apostle Peter. Peter would be shown bravely insisting that he be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to die in like manner as his Lord. The evangelist 'look-a-likes' would alternate between praying for miracles of deliverance for themselves, and calling down fire from heaven for their persecutors. Their histrionics would be interspersed with offers to bribe their way off the crosses with denairi they had collected from fearful Christians.
In flashback sequences, Old Tyme Robert T. and Ancient One Peter P. could be portrayed preaching to a crowd saying things like; 'Martyrdom is for ignorant chumps because we've got the power'. "Yeah I say unto you that your faithfulness in supplying my needs will guarantee you the protection of the 93rd Psalm, 'And though a thousand may fall at your left hand and ten thousand at your right, none of the nastiness will come nigh thy dwelling.' Its in the Bible people.' So prove your faith by making a large donation to the Popoff and Tilton ministries so we can personally pray to activate the magical powers of faith on your behalf. The scene concludes with a collection. 'Now brother Claudius please pass the offering barrel as we sing 'We're King's Kids Rolling in Kingdom Clover'."
The irony would be sweet. The movie even might get an AA rating because of the social significance of its message.
Mel, you could have given us Passion II /The Passion of The Bravehearts. But some devilish temptation steered you into a cul de sac. Sadly, the true story of the Passion of the Early Church will not soon be giving a counterpoint to some of the questionable practices and teachings of evangelists speaking in the name of religion over our soiled airways.
More's the Pity.
Does anyone else have another suggested script for Mel's next outing? Leave me a comment to get the creative juice flowing.
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