Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mel and the Gang

Please note, in case someone is tempted to think that I place Mel Gibson in the camp of the Charlatans, I do not. I would trade one Mel for almost all the evangelists on American television.

I have followed up my Mel series with a few jabs at Peter Popoff, Robert Tilton and Jim Whittington because unlike Mel, they never admit their faults, never confess their shortcomings, never tell the unvarnished truth and apparently never give a damn what widow, orphan, cripple, challenged and poor person they steal from.

Mel may be a loud mouthed obnoxious drunk, a maker of extremely violent entertainment, an ego maniac, a conflicted son of a holocaust denier and an Olde School Catholic but for all that I think he is a guy doing the best he can in the life he has and he is honestly confronting his demons (but sometimes losing).

Mel is a modern day version of the Apostle Peter. He's brash, intemperate, loveable and genuine.

If you must crucufy him, do it upside down please, I think he would prefer it that way.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, for humanitarian reasons please offer him a few sops of wine to ease the pain but make sure he is nailed down good and tight before you do. You know what trouble he gets into when he's been drinking.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Ha ha ha!!!