Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Miracle A Miracle My Kingdom for a Miracle (Mission Impossible?)

Disability is a sledge hammer blow to a parent's heart. My son Joshua (which being translated means, the saviour of his people) just turned 20. he is still in diapers, has no language but is mobile so he is a rock star of sorts (180 pounds of head banging aggression and no self-control). He is the love of my life and the bane of my existence.

My mission, which I have chosen to accept, is to change the way people (especially churches) look at the disabled among us. My family has almost no help or encouragement from the evangelical church we have attended for the past seven years and only a little more from the one we attended for the previous ten years. What help and strength we have received was from secular agencies. It has been difficult to maintain faith through this but no one else has the words of life so we are stuck with Jesus.

My mission is to make Christians take Matt25 seriously when Jesus says that those that suffer are Christ in our presence.
"If ye do it unto the least of these...... "and Jesus didn't say 'like unto', or 'as if', or 'in similitude to', but he said.........."ye do it unto me."
An equation if you will. The disabled, the poor, the outcasts, the neglected, the persecuted are Jesus on the Road to Emmaus. Remember the disciples didn't recognize Him as he walked with them. Do you think the church recognizes Him in the face of people with disabilities?

The Road to Emmaus equals Jesus(on the crossX) plus you and I.
Jesus is still but where are U+I?

I may be too cryptic (and Josh may be too challenging) and that could be why I am getting a lot of perplexed looks from people who don't understand. I also have some active opposition from a particular church leader who does sort of get it but doesn't like it. In general I have received better understanding from those outside the church, but Thank God there are a handful of regular Christians who get it and support it. So I am lonely but not totally abandoned. Opposed but not defeated (yet).

Part of the reason some Christians don't like what I am doing is because I am trying to be honest with my experience and my faith. I have never seen a miracle, and I have become very critical of those who make huge money off of the desperation of individuals and families with disabilities(ie the miracle workers). This is not well received in circles that make Benny Hinn a saint and so I understand some of the opposition.
I would love to hear about a real miracle if you have one to share. Please write to tell of the things you have seen that you call a miracle. Or perhaps you could tell me what you think miracles are all about. I would like to be encouraged.

Blessings to you and the ones who suffer.

PS. If miracles are something other than the smoke and mirrors shows put on by Saint Benny and the rest (and I think they are) then perhaps I have seen and received a few miracles myself but I would like to hear from those who have seen or received their own miracle. I need the encouragement.

Anyone got a testimony?

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