Thursday, July 06, 2006

SPEAKING UP for those who can't:

Here is a worthwhile article from CARP that outlines some of the concerns of older parents of disabled chlidren. There are over 300 families in LondonMiddlesex right now on a waiting list for care for their children. The need will grow as the baby boom population bulge moves along into declining health and eventually passes on.
Please ask your MP and MPP to think about this situation and to begin to address this growing problem before it gets out of hand. Even now only emergency and critical situations are being addressed and this will not get better until attention is given to this need.

Aging parents of developmentally disabled need support

Article By: Jennifer Walker

All parents worry about their children. But at some point, your child grows up, matures and moves away from home, and you begin to relax. Sure, you’ll always worry a little bit but, for the most part, the tough years are behind you and it’s time to enjoy some newfound freedom – and maybe a grandkid or two.
For those seniors who are raising adult children with a developmental disability, the worry doesn’t abate. The issues and concerns these people face are numerous and unique.


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