Sunday, April 09, 2006

Red Letter Christians

There is a movement within evangelical Christianity that is very encouraging to me. It harkens back to the good old days of the Wesleyan Revivals when evangelical were in the forefront of addressing social and economic wrongs. I think that if we are ever to see a resurgence of real righteousness in our society (and by that I do not mean asking people to stop being human) the churches are going to have to repent of making mole hills out of mountains and mountains out of mole hills.

"I wonder what they meant
When they said
Repent, Repent, Repent,
I wonder what they meant."

Leonard Cohen. The Future

Until the church knows of what it must repent, it has no justification or power to tell anyone else to do so.

Here is a link to a great post on another blog that helps define what Red Letter Christianity is about.

Read it and tell us if 'yer fer us er agin us'.

rereason: Why I'm a Red Letter Christian

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