Monday, August 07, 2006

What a Pity 'Peter Poop off' And 'Robber Telt on' Weren't Around to Put a Stop to This

How sad that these great Christian Teachers weren't around to instruct the Apostles. Perhaps every Thomas, Matthew and Thadeus of them could have ended their days counting their denarii in marble mansions over looking the eternal city of Rome instead of on crosses, on bloodied, brain spattered rock piles, on executioner's blocks and flaying tables.
If only, if only ..........Sigh.

NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! a thousand times NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Peter P. and Bobby T. had been there something wonderful would have happened. The first time a Roman court told them 'disown Jesus or die'' they would have quietly recanted , sung the praises of the divine Emperor, gone back to selling used chariots and left the job of proclaiming the Lord's Life, Death and Resurrection to men and women of integrity.

If only, If only......Sigh, for real.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...