Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mel Gibson's APOCALYPTO (or Forgive me, Forgive me, Forgive me.....or not; pt. 2)

Well one thing we can safely say is that Mel is no saint, but since he never claimed otherwise it seems abit unfair to crucify him for his foibles. His comments about Jews were truly disturbing and will need unpacking and addressing by Mel. I hope and fully expect he will continue to express remorse for the outrageous things he said. We will see if forgiveness is possible from those who have made an industry out of being offended.

Apparently the unbearble weightiness of being Mel is not a light affliction. Mel fully deserves to be held accountable for his failings but at the same time he should be supported through his journey towards healthier days, especially if he continues to take a humble place in this fiasco.

If Mel ever claimed he didn't need a saviour, or that he had transcended his humanity by embacing a magical faith, then we Christians would have more issues to deal with in the Mel file, but he hasn't proclaimed perfected holiness (as far as I know) and so I wish him well and eagerly wait to see the next exciting chapter in the ongoing saga of

Journey towards





that we all seem to end up in for most of our sojourn here below.

Perhaps some community service time with my son Joshua (the saviour of his people and destroyer of worlds) could give Mel the outlet to compassion and violence he seems to crave. You see Josh hits, bites , pulls hair and destroys when he isn't being the most delightful 20 year old toddler you will ever meet.

Josh is the little guy peeking thru the
crowd to see if someone is there for him.

Hey Mel perhaps you've got a part for Josh in Mad Max IV?



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your site of Mel. Execllent and true. Would that be a good thing for Mel to help people with special needs. Like the boy in the picture looking thru. In this world many lonely people. what they need is LOVE,
What the Bible teaches us to do. Just love one other. Thank you for shareing this on your blog.

Jennifer said...

You know, I've been thinking the same thing since Mel's little episode. Surely his statements are incredibly sickening, and yes I do believe he meant them. And I feel very sad that something made a man who had cleaned up his life fall off the wagon in such a big way. But let's pray for him instead of castigating him, and love him back to a place of peace.

Impossibleape said...

Thanks Anon for the kind and wise words.

and Jenn
you are right Mel seems to be a hurting unit right now. A little forgiveness and understanding is not too much to ask. It will be interesting to see how Mel works out the issues around his anti-Semetic comments but I have seen a few encouraging signs from that community. I understand one temple wants Mel to come to their synagog to speak at the time of Yom Kippur (attonement). I hope Mel accepts the offer.
We will have to wait and see what develops.