Thursday, February 01, 2007

Prof. said/Ape said

He said;

M. Robert Mulholland, Jr
"How often do we find persons and churches who define the Christian life by abstinence from certain practices and behaviors. Detachment from these practices and behaviors becomes the primary focus of their life rather than an ever deepening attachment to God in love. If detachment is not the consequence of loving attachment to God, then our religiosity is shaped by our detachment, and we have become religious false selves."
The Deeper Journey, sid. 65
Inlagd av Daniel Astgård i Citat kl 06:02 Kommentar (1)

It said(revised);

this is a profound insight.
I have become so fed-up with Christianity being about the 'shalt nots' and very little about the 'shall loves' that I have felt inclined to ignore the 'shalt not' teachings. I want Christians to concentrate on the 'thou shalts' and the 'do untos'. You know, active love stuff.
This quote helps me see that doing more 'do unto's' (love God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself; and so son and so forth, etc. etc.) can lead to a healthy (natural) adherence to the 'thou shalt nots'.

Who knows, this Christian thing just might work out after all.
#1 len (Link) på 2007-02-02 03:39 (Svara)


Jennifer said...

Amen to that.

Impossibleape said...

I am delighted with your support , as always.

Take care and "Vaya con dios" my friend.

Anonymous said...

thanks for great informations It's a wonderful