Thursday, February 15, 2007

What Is Love?

Jean Vanier on 'What Love Means to Me'.

"To love is to see the value of each person and to reveal to each one his or her beauty and importance. To love people is to liberate them and call forth in them what is most beautiful so they can give life to others. To love is to be committed to people and to be a sign of fidelity.
To love is to celebrate unity and a communion of hearts."

Who has said it better?
Who has tried to live it better?

Is this the way we Evangelicals
prioritize our ministry goals and values?

Unfortunately I thinkthere is still too much of something else in many of our Evangelical churches and Evangelical hearts........

(I can only imagine what Daniel and the gang at Tro&tank would make of this?)

so remember............

All works of love are works of peace.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.--Mother Teresa


Pastor Astor said...

Well, we eagely awaited pastor Phelps visit, and it seems he never turned up. At least the swedish officials have no record of him crossing our borders. I believe God hates hate.

Impossibleape said...

The Devil is a shape shifter

Phelps may be nearer than we know.

(Look for a new MiraMax horror film this spring. 'A Rabid Old School Baptist Werewolf Stalks the foggy streets of Stockholm.)

Watch your back Daniel!

Glad you came for a visit.
It was gettin lonely over here.

things have been slow since I inserted a couple of the Antony videos.

do you suppose there is any connection?

Pastor Astor said...

Possibly... We got a puppy two weeks ago, and I haven't spent much time in the bloggosphere since. My time is well invested in wiping puddles ans scooping up poop instead - and if course being munched on by this little beast with 999 teeth and one tail... Yes he's cute, too!

Impossibleape said...

my hearty condolences

perhaps this pup is Phelps in disguise.

I hope your new dog doesn't have any of the disgustingly filthy doggy habits that ours does.

Casey likes to lick her crotch and our faces. She rolls in dead things and feces. She sheds more fur than a herd of Alpacas. She barks at the wind and insists on bathroom breaks at all hours of the night, during which time she barks to make the neihbours upset. She is irritatingly demanding and enthusiastic about walks. And she is insistent on meeting everything that moves. She scares elderly neighbours and young children with her enthusiasm to meet and greet. And she has a strong desire to make personal contact with any skunks in the vicinity. Stink is her preferred perfume.

I wish Homer Simpson's experiement in inter-species breeding had worked.
He put his cat and dog in a sack hoping to cross bred a pet with the cleanliness of a dog and the freindliness of a cat. (Homer had the qualities backwards but you get the idea.)

Anyway good luck and good lick with house-training Mr Phelps.