Friday, January 05, 2007

my sincere apologies to rainbow christian aka Ninure Saunders (and Jenn and Joan Osbourne)

(: Please search this post for the hidden video of me singing my favourite song...which I also wrote BTW :)
Back on Dec . 25, 2006
I posted 'Jesus' Invitation part 1, 2 and 3'. In a comment left on that post I was asked if wrote this, to which I replied yes.
I had modeled my Jesus' Invitation on a piece called Jesus' Christmas Letter. I heard this piece read over a radio station, WJR 760 Detroit, during Christmas 2003.
I modified the piece that winter and used it to challenge the way people with disablities at my church were viewed.
In my recollections of my efforts to refashion the story, I thought I had made more changes than I actually did.

Today I went back to my source at

and reread the story. To my dismay I discovered that my changes had not been nearly as significant as I had remembered. I had toned down Jesus' concern for his own honour at Christmas and changed the centre of his outward concern from an old man from the wrong side of town, to young man with severe physical and developmental disabilities, but basically the story and structure were not altered in any significant way.

I feel I owe rainbow christian (aka Ninure Saunders) an apology for having claimed to have modified the piece more than I actually did.
I don't know if rainbow christian is still around.
His site hasn't been updated since 2005 and is hijacked by viscous spammers and pirates.

Rainbow christian, if you are out there, I apologize for not giving you the credit you deserve.

God Bless you where ever you are.

(: Please search this post for the hidden video of me singing my favourite song...which I also wrote BTW :)


Jennifer said...

Awwwwww, heck. You are one cool guy.

Impossibleape said...

not really

just your 'run of the mill' plagarizer with a short memory and a pesky (but often faulty)conscience

anyway thanks for your understanding and the morale boost

Impossibleape said...
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Jennifer said...

WHAT??? YOU are Dr. Evil?????

Impossibleape said...

with so much stretching of the truth going on around here

you must find it hard to know what to believe anymore

blu blu blu blub blub blub blu......