Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Game on Sunday

Dallas Willard
"Currently we are not only saved by grace; we are paralyzed by it. We find it hard to see that grace is not opposed to effort, but is opposed to earning. Earning and effort are not the same thing. Earning is an attitude, and grace is definitely opposed to that. But it is not opposed to effort."

ImpApe's Editorial comment

We evangelicals (protestants) often define ourselves by what we are against.
Instead of being true to Christ's teachings and examples, we sometimes react so vehemently against one kind of error that we take up a position on the polar opposite of it, and thereby promote another abberation in its place.

Martin Luther's much needed forceful tackling of the medievil Catholic practice of selling indulgences and a theology bordering on works based salvation led us to take such a radical position on Grace that Evangelical Protestants often act and think as if goodworks are deemed an infraction of the rules. A Ten Yard penalty, and a loss of down.
We need to get back to Quarterback Jesus' Game Plan and to start being more creatively and effectively involved in making this a better world.
Too much time and energy has been wasted teaching about Babylonian whores in the 'end-zone', and delivering 3 point after trivia sermons. We have fumbled the ball in terms of buildng the 'beloved community'.
Even if this is the last few minutes of the 4th Quarter, it is high time we got into the game of life and scored a touchdown for Jesus. If it means we have to carry the ball a yard or two, and get our Sunday-go-to-Church uniforms dirty, well glory to Jesus, let's put our game faces on and win this one for coach Holy Spirit!

Or is our Sunday morning activity just as much a game as the one we watch after services?
Dropkick me, Jesus, Through the Goalsposts of Life

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