Thursday, June 21, 2007

Interstices (Where to look for God)

A Place where God and our reality can play even if the world is hermetically sealed (an apparent Closed system where magic, transcendence, God and love are banished).

the cradle of creativity is such a place of interstice

the meeting place of the quark as it exits and enters our dimension is one such interstice.

Where love meets pain is another

and perhaps most powerfully in the experience of beauty

like the glinting of the sun off the iridescent head of a spring plumaged mallard as it swam on the crystal water of a pond while large golden fish glided beneath the translucent surface.

As I lay on the lush new growth of grass soaking in the warmth of the gentle April sun after an especially hard, cold and dark winter the light off that duck's head was a window, an interstice if you will, into of a new reality that transcended the darkness and constraint of a closed world that often overwhelmed me

it was joy...surprised in the interstice by joy

that was my experience of salvation

Unfortunately much of what followed in my religious life has been a distraction from that reality, a pornograghying of the truth. A sideshow in hype, hucksterism and hypocrisy.

My duty now is to try to re-engage the beauty without the false overlay of propositional faith. To experience the holy and the beautiful in the moments I have been given and to invite others to find the interstice in their own authentic experience.

This is my calling to help people find their own place where god and Reality can play, and love and create.... to discover their own interstice...their own 'space and place between'.


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