Friday, June 15, 2007

Orthodox Marriage

"The Orthodox take on marriage is that it is a form of martyrdom. The spouses die to themselves to live for each other, and for God. This is symbolized in the Orthodox ceremony by the use of "martyrs crowns" to crown the bride and groom. It's a very beautiful ceremony full of symbolism and wonderful prayers."
(this quote is from Bruce of
Bruce's Blog )

this kind of reminded me of a famous quote from the recently deceased wife of Billy Graham, Ruth Graham.

she is reported to have said that she never ever considered divorce, her commitment to the sacredness of marriage was too great...On the other hand murder had occurred to her.....but thankfully she thought better of that remedy for marital dissatisfaction.

A great lady, may she rest in peace and may Billy be comforted in his great loss.


Anonymous said...

wow...LOVE that imagery!

Impossibleape said...

Hi Frank

I think it was terrific too.
There is much to value in the Orthodox traditions.

Some of this same sentiment was at the heart of the latest Spiderman movie. When Peter's Aunt spoke of her love for her dead husband and her declaration that a man who marries needs to be able to place his wife's happiness above his own....I was deeply impressed by the depth of the moral and spiritual tone of this movie.
If you haven't seen Spiderman 3 you have treat in store for you and your family.

God Bless

Jake Belder said...

Wow, marriage as martyrdom, that is great imagery. You're right about their being much to value in Orthodox traditions. You had mentioned that you read before what I had posted on my blog about Pope John Paul II's word on love (while he was still Karol Wojtyla). Seems to me that Catholics and Orthodox have a lot to offer us if we Protestants let them!

Thanks for the post!

Impossibleape said...

Hey Jake
How's married life treating you?

Didn't you tie the Gordon's (unloosable) Knot in May?

All us old married men like to see you young bucks enter the 'bonds'

ww martyrs don't like to suffer alone.

Just kidding

hope you are as maddly in love as I am and that the move to the sunshine and matrimonial state has been a good one.

Impossibleape said...

and Jake

your comment about the value in other traditions is a good one

this Christian thing is probably bigger than our petty demoninational concerns

I hope that we get past the limits of our isolation and learn from each other what it means to live the Christian life.

Isn't it supposed to be about the Honeymooners?
not the Bickersons......