Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Chuck Colson On Paying Our Over Due Bills


'The Unpaid Bills of the Church'

October 31, 2006
"Imagine losing all your friends at once," a woman named Margaret Ann told Catherine Edwards Sanders, the author of Wicca's Charm. Margaret Ann was talking about her decision to leave her Baptist faith and become a Wiccan during her college years. "My family ganged up on me and refused to discuss it with me at all," she recalls.
Sanders adds, "All of her friends, except one, deserted her. Not one of the members of the Christian group [on campus] bothered to ask why she liked Wicca. . . . Other Christian students would only talk to her to tell her that they were praying for her."
At another point in the book, Sanders tells the story of what happened to a group of Wiccans in Orange County. As they were practicing a sunrise ritual, a group of Christians surrounded the Wiccans with their cars and blared loud Christian rock music at them.
What's wrong with this picture?..................................

As I said yesterday, Sanders writes that many Wiccans were driven to their religion in the first place by the actions of Christians—like some women who were treated like "second-class citizens" in their churches, and turned to Wicca. Art Lindsley of the C. S. Lewis Institute says that Wicca and other forms of neo-Paganism are a result of "the unpaid bills of the church." The Church is supposed to be a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Our whole worldview is built on the idea of a loving God who created every person in His own image. When we fail to put that worldview into practice, people lose interest in Christianity. ..........................

So how should we as Christians reach out to Wiccans? For one thing, we can take time to study and understand what they believe and the issues that are really important to them—issues like the environment. We don't have to worship the earth to understand why many Wiccans are so concerned about it. But even more importantly, we must live out our own worldview through our actions, treating all people with love and respect. He whom you would change, remember, you must first love, as Martin Luther King, Jr., taught us. And if we do this, we will start paying some of those unpaid bills ourselves.


Threat Assessment & Response Canada said...

Interesting blog.

If we act like Christ, we will love people - including Wiccans.

One of the other reasons for many to turn to Wicca is the attitude toward women, which is very different from traditional Christianity. A lot of them have a tough time wrapping their heads around God as a male, and as a male only.

Impossibleape said...


I am delighted that you dropped in and found something of interest.

The way the church has treated women has been a far cry from how Jesus did.
I think the effort to Judiaze the gospel (make every jot and tittle of Old Testament thinking fit into the revolutionary teachings of Christ) was more successful than many realize.

This may be a loaded statment that Iwill have to unload someday on the blog but for now i just put it out there for those who don't mind being dealt a hanging curve ball.

BTW thanks again

I think most people have no idea what to make of the Road so any encouragement is swallowed up like the first drop of rain on a fallowed field on the parched savanah. (In other words be careful not to encourage the ape overly much, he may get unbearable.)

Impossibleape said...

I think 'Old Testamentizing' Jesus has led to some nasty business.
Christians have burned Wiccans and heretics, thumbscrewed dissenters, cozied up to the rich and tooppressive rulers

and to this day we demand conformity for everyone on penalty of eternal death and hell fire

Very often the church has rejected and condemned the very ones that Jesus came to save, love and comfort.

I think this might be the result of our trying to make New Wine fill Old Wine Skins.