Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Whom God Would Use Greatly

http://www.breakpoint.org/listingarticle.asp?ID=6063 "A famous pastor once said that nobody is fit for the pulpit who has not been broken badly in life. He's right: Only when you have been broken can you empathize with others; and only then do you recognize that only God can put you back together. Understanding costly grace, prisoners make great leaders. " Chuck Colson (from Today's Breakpoint Commentary)

Perhaps Chuck is referring to a Quote from A.W. Tozer,
"Whom God would use greatly, first He wounds deeply."
About 3 years ago Road to Emmaus began with this quote.

I am still a little broken and only a little better 'used' but I love this quote because it gives me hope that the suffering of each and every person, no matter how seemingly insignificant that person's stature, will not go for naught.

I will continue trust in a law of compensation that will someday raise up the lowly and bring down the mighty to make a straight path for God and humanity to walk upon.

even as this wonderful and broken man did in his lifetime........



honeysuckle said...

How true that is, amen.

Anonymous said...

Here's to many more years on the Emmaus road, spreading your message of hope for the wounded of our world.