Sunday, November 19, 2006

A New Christianity

A New Christianity
"The task before Western civilization today . . . is the greatest [our] civilization has ever faced. It is a complete reconstruction that is demanded. . .
"Nothing but Christianity can carry the Western peoples through this unparalleled crisis. But it must be Christianity in its purity and its fullness, not a Christianity wasting its energy on doctrinal controversy, broken by denominational divisions, or absorbed in taking care of its machinery. It must, in short, be a Christianity neither intellectualized, nor sectarianized, nor institutionalized.
"It must be a Christianity, born as at the first, in the hearts of the common people, simple, democratic, brotherly: like a tree, its top in the sky but its roots deep in common earth; treating institutions, even the most venerable, as the mere temporary contrivances that they are; with the faith of Jesus in the human heart and in the ultimate triumph of love, and a willingness, like His, to find a throne in a cross."
[Salem Bland, The New Christianity, 1920!! ]

I hate, I despise your festivals, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.... Take away from me the noise of your songs; I will not listen to the melody of your harps. But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
- Amos 5:21-24


STAG said...

So what happened to prevent this from taking place? All I see is a huge waste of energy in Doctrinal controversy and demoninational divisions. (to paraphrase your excellent choice of quotes.)


Impossibleape said...

Hi Stag

Its still trying to be birthed

it has much to do with suffering,
valuing the least of these my brethren (including the disabled)
and perhaps
something to do with Munk (see soon to appear quote. I think you will like Munk. He is a reformed Viking who continued to weild a mean battle axe from the pulpit.)

Impossibleape said...

and Amos 5:21-24 has something to say about why we haven't seen this prophecy come to pass.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, down to the core!

Impossibleape said...

Hi Dave
Glad to have you aboard