Tuesday, March 21, 2006


The optimist says the cup is half full.
The pessimist says the cup is half empty.
The child of God says, "My cup runneth over."


I am trying to become one of the 'others'.
My natural tendency is to see the glass half empty,
with rest of the glass being filled with sludge.

I once read something by that crumudgeonly, sharp tongued Malcolm Muggeridge that can shed some light on the appropriate level of giddiness that we should feel.
After Malcolm became a believer in Christ he thought that a Christian should be a supreme pessimist about the ability of the world and humanity to solve its problems on its own but that we had a perfect right to be an optimist in the big picture because God is involved and He will make all things work together for good......even the things that can make us feel so defeated and hurt in the here and now.

I am trying to become more of an 'other worldly optimist' while bringing my 'this worldly pessimism' under the control of my faith without neglecting my responsibility to do what little I can to to make the here and now a little better place.
Pray for me.....this job is hard.

(Tap on picture to enlarge.)

P.S. Join me in wishing my brother Bob a belated but very Happy Birthday.

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