Thursday, March 02, 2006

An important contribution from a Valued Reader

Dave C. made this important comment in response to the Word of Faith a Modern Heresy post of Feb. 22, 2006.

Hi Len
I have a couple of comments.First, I sometimes think that we modern-day Christians claim Biblical promises that were intended for the hearer, not necessarily ALL Christians.Second, I suspect that Christians aren't as self-congratulatory as you fear they are. It seems to me that most Christians beat up on themselves more than anything. We are not like the folks in the Alpha posters. That's one of MY pet peeves. We Christians present a false face to the World. We would call it deception if another religion did the same.

Hi Dave C.
Thanks for your input.
Firstly, the term Word of Faith is specific to a school of teaching that is sometimes found in Pentecostal circles. Your understanding that it doesn't apply to most people of faith (Pentecostal or otherwise) is exactly right. But it does often apply to those who are most brazen in trying to get everyone to conform to their opinions. Word of Faith is a good fit with outgoing, assertive and dominant personalities. If you ever met a Choleric and Sanguine Christian you would be most likely to hear a Word of Faith sermon shortly after you hear the words, 'Glad to meet you.'

You are so right that an incorrect interpretation leading to inadequate, even dangerous teachings are at the heart of the issue I am trying to address.
Not every Biblical reference is for every one's personal circumstance. To teach that Ps. 91 is a guarantee that 'none of these unpleasant things will come nigh thy dwelling', only serves to rub salt in the wounds of those whose loved ones do fall at our right hand and our left. If a disease or a condition comes into one's life or into a loved one's life we are left to think it was punishment for not believing strongly enough in the magic powers of the 91st Psalm.
And just as bad, the ones lucky (?) enough to be healthy, comfortable, and untouched (yet) by tragedy may be deluded into believing it is their superior life and faith that has caused a hedge of protection and blessing to surround their lives. If that is their conclusion they will have little understanding of those whose lives are not similarly charmed.
My concern is with Word of Faith preachers. Most of the people who promote Word Faith are well meaning individuals who want to believe that every human ill, disfigurement and heartache is resolved in a miracle. I don't want to offend the well meaning followers. My contention is with the leaders of these movements. They have much to answer for.
Many of them live lavishly upon the offerings they extort by word of faith teachings while their followers are left with a few exciting services and some momentary hope that if they believe hard enough, long enough and correctly enough they will get to the riches, health and power that the leaders entice them with.

So I don't want anyone to think that Christianity is synonymous with Word of Faith. It is not. That is why I labeled Word of Faith teaching a Heresy.

Thanks again Dave C. for your excellent contribution to this blog.

Blessings from
The Impossibleape.

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