Sunday, January 18, 2009

If It Makes You Happy To Be Unhappy, Then Be Happy

Happy Unhappiest Day of the Year

Jan 19th is officially the saddest day of the year. It has been scientifically determined that more people will feel blue on this day in Canada than any other day of 2009. It has something to do with
1. It's Monday...the start of the work week.
2. Its the middle of winter and oh what a winter it has been.
3. Christmas and New Years are over and we are still hung over.
4. The credit card statements have starting coming in.
5. We've got no more official holidays until Easter.......4 freaking months from now.
6. And because all the good movies were released in the Christmas season and now we are getting such gems as Paul Blart Mall Cop.

Oh well I guess its time to get out the Old Roger Miller Miller CD and sing along to these wonderful words of wisdom.....

"You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd but you can be happy if you have a mind to it."

So get a mind to it and he happy, one and all.

Happy Unhappiest Day of the Year.


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