Monday, April 02, 2007

The Suffering Servant aka History cont'd

Stanley Hauerwas

....... "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?",shatter our attempts to understand God in human terms.
It shows that Christ does experience the darkness of being completely alienated from the Father........
And that means there is a time when we cannot approach God through Christ, because Christ was completely abandoned.
That is a chilling, chilling notion: that there is a time when we cannot reach God through Christ. I think that's what that means.
...........It's idolatry to think that to be a Christian means this is all going to work out well for me. That's not what God is in the business of being God for. The idea that Jesus' whole project was to make sure my life would be OK is a far too narcissistic account of the crucifixion.
......we try to explain the "why have you forsaken me?" phrase to "protect God from making a fool out of God." Because we want God not to be the God we find in Christ. We want God to be the great all-powerful daddy, who makes sure our lives will not have to be lives of suffering. It's an idolatrous position.
.........should we expect God to do anything about our suffering? We know God has done something about our suffering-it's called the cross. It gives us the resources to have even our suffering be a service to God and God's kingdom.

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