Thursday, January 12, 2006

News FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!(revised Jan. 25, 2007)

This just in(better late than never)..................The universe is old.

According to to some 'uniformed sources' the universe and everything in it is less than 10,000 years old.

Yet overwhelmingly the evidence points to a Big Bang explosion some 15 Billion years ago (give or take a fractional billion) as the true 'In the beginning' of Genesis 1.

When the good book of nature and the Good Book of Faith disagree then we must conclude that one or both books have been misinterpreted.

To believe Genesis does not require dismissing good Science (I can not in good conscience, define Young Earth Creation Science as good science or proper theology).
And good science does not necessarily negate Genesis (despite what atheistic evangelists such as Richard Dawkins would lead you to believe.)

NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!
This just in(better late than never)..................The Universe is Pro-Life!

The Universe is 15 Billion years ago (give or take a fractional billion) and this old world (and I do mean old) is 4.5 Billion years old (give or take a fractional billion) .

Things have been exciting but tough from the beginning. Just like the dispatches sent back from the Russian Front in the Second World War.
"The situation appears

No doubt life has always seemed to be tough but hopeless (except perhaps during that interesting experiment in Eden of course).

In one sense it looks like death has always reigned supreme but if we step back a pace or two we may get a different perspective.
The Universe is actually amazingly 'Pro-Life'. If many thousands of small calibrations were not fine tuned to create conditions to allow any life at all (let alone the explosion of the most amazing variety, fertility and fecundity that we see all around us) then we wouldn't be here to see an endless expanse of lifeless dust, rocks and empty space. But, since we are here to enjoy this blue jewel of a planet we can infer that something or someone wants us and slugs, and platypii, and eels and...............etc. etc. to be here.

Think for a moment about the smallest pinch of earth. If you looked at a smidgen of soil through a microscope you would see an entire other world teeming with life.
But look at a million hectacres of Mars or the Moon and you won't find the tiniest evidence of life in any form.

Why is this planet crawling with life and the vast stretches of the unimaginably big universe devoid of it? Perhaps this beautiful blue ball hung upon nothing is not as insignificant as some want us to believe. Perhaps you are not as insignificant as some would have you believe.

The agency or agent that lit the fuse of the Big Bang was obviously Pro-Life, perhaps we should be too.

Loving and serving the 'least of these my brethren' is how we live pro-life lives.

I invite everyone, 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', to join together to love the born among us and I will join with the pro-life to respectfully try to convince the unconvinced to value and love the unborn as well.

But remember that you heard it here first,

The Universe is Pro-Life, (ergo the agent or agency behind the creation of the universe is Pro-Life.)

perhaps we should be too.

The Impossibleape

If anyone is interested in discovering how a full blooded evangelical Christian faith can not only co-exist with but be reinforced by Science and vice versa, then check out this web site

Heaven's to Murgatroid! It's a gas (a gas cloud, even. )

Exit stage right.............


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